Living the Jesus Life

Jesus Fusion
is all about seeing Heaven invade Earth
James and Paula Lutze, along with their two girls, are on a life mission to bring the joy of Christ back to His church and to bring the church back into the world, to do ministry in the same manner Christ taught and demonstrated. After seven years of ministry in Japan, "Jesus Fusion" was a burning desire on their hearts, to see Christ's Kingdom advanced to all nations. They are graduates of Global Celebration School of Supernatural Ministry, ordained under Global Celebration.

To spread the freedom and understanding of what Christ has done. To awaken and teach His bride her identity, operating in the spiritual gifts and authority of her Bridegroom. To see the Kingdom of Heaven advanced throughout the earth.
We both support and embark on mission trips around the world, bringing aid, love, and the manifestations of Heaven to those in need.

Resurrected Intestines!
We were serving as missionaries in Japan. A devastating earthquake and tsunami had struck the coast a few miles east of us. While God was opening avenues of aid, rescue, and loving influence over the Japanese people in all of the devastation, my intestines were dying. I was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease upon entering high …